I started this program here four weeks ago and has made it. I also am glad that I am feeling better. I get sleepy some times but over all i am okay. I have been lately seeing Corey's face on certain people or hearing his voice. I am taking the medication that is supposed to help with that but I guess it is not working because it is not my brain it is him trying to contact me. I don't know but I wish it would stop. I still think of him whenever I see a shot bottle on the ground. I want to see my boyfriend but he is trying to punish me for getting mad but the reality is we are not compatible and we should sever the relationship. He doesn't want to, he just thinks some time away will help. I am not going to loose the progress I made to go back with him since he has not checked himself into a facility yet. I caught him saying, why should he stop drinking if we are still going to argue. He is supposed to stop for himself not for me. Now, I know he is doing it for the wrong reasons and we will never make it. I am going to go step by step to get things together for me. I plan to start jogging at the near by lake since, it is there so that I can loose the weight from eating so much.
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