Today I witness a bad situation, There is a pregnant girl that smelled a friend who was drunk. The women that was drunk was an older women. For security reasons I will leave names out of this. Pregnant stopped me to tell me that Older women smelled like liquor. I told her that I had smelled it before on her a couple of times. Pregnant must have said something to staff since staff called her up front, talked to Older women in the office, then called police to escort her to Detox. Of course, Older women will probably get kicked out. I feel bad because I know that if you are an alcoholic, you can not stop drinking just because you situation calls for it. I knew about Older women and had smelled her before but I did not judge. I couldn’t assume that she had been drinking the other times, but was pretty sure the time she had a good talk with me. Older women had talked to her teenaged daughter and was so excited about it. She staggered a bit and was very affectionate. She kept kneeling down to me but was having a hard time getting back up. I then realized that she must have been drinking but thought it was best not to assume. I know that she has no where to go and if kicked out there is a possibility that she will feel worse about herself, and could drink herself to death. I am pretty sure some people don’t realize that their action or lack there of can cause damage to other people lives. I am hoping this is a detox night for older lady and she will return, be able to start a program to help her become a recovering alcoholic.
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