Living her in this shelter gives me lots of restrictions. I am limited to time to come in if I have a night chore due the time the chore must be completed. Chore has to be done by 8:30pm but curfew is 10pm. Also, I have to use their detergent, which makes me itch. I have to eat their food which gives me heart burn but most of all I have no internet access in the building I am in. I have a locker which makes it easier to store things I want for the day. I have to take showers at 12 am-2:am to have it warm not ice cold. Can’t use an alarm on phone due to noise. My meds keeps me sleepy so I can’t get up when they wake me up. I am going to stay in for the whole three months and try an online business, hoping that I can use that as an income instead. I do have more time to devote to the internet.
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