My boyfriend has a serious illness, Alcoholism. I would like to just end the relationship but that it taking the easy way out. He has other illnesses which does go good together. I give him a few extra dollars more then he needs so he goes to get a drink. Now, I haven’t seen him for a over 24hrs and when I called he was still drunk. I know his meds for the other issues stop him from drinking so much. I will have to demand that he go in to an appointment at the medical center for his own good. I just want to spend the day not thinking about him, forget that he needs a firm hand to keep him in tact, and most of all, I want to forget that I love him. Love, doesn’t allow you to be yourself, it is strong and will dictate to you. What to do? I would love to have a counselor to help me through my trials and tribulations.
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