When you are Homeless

I went to Franny's to empty my back pack so it wasn't so heavy.  Homeless people should all have bad backs from loading down their backpack with all the important stuff. Most of us sleep out instead of a shelter due to the hours of the shelter.  For men here in Denver, if you stay near downtown you can stay out until about 9pm.  I am a female, and most shelters want you in at 5pm, or you have to be in a program bed.  I would like a shelter for women like the Rescue Mission (Jesus Saves).  We could check in daily, eat three times a day with the anyone that comes in, and will be able to spend time looking for work, finding a way to earn money.  A lot of us use the 16th street mall as a way to earn money with our skills or talents.  We have another way, there is a newspaper we can sell, called The Voice.  There is a website but I can only find a general site http://homelessvoice.org/newspapers  I am building my own website because I want to build this shelter and a shelter for couples. Chacalit
