Last night at the porch I choose to sleep at I had a couple of guys give me money. I tried to make myself look like a man to make me safer. As a man there is less of a chance of me being a attacked. The first guy came by them back tracked to say," If I have food in my mouth, you should too. Keep your head up." The second man called me a man the asked that I tried to find a warm place to sleep. I think a third guy was going to dropped some money but he hesitated and left. I only got three dollars total but it is the thought that counts. I have been hoping and relying on the fact that my significant other will provide for me but it seems he would rather I spend my money. I have been spending money on him since this relationship started. I guess it is my fault. I allowed him to get comfortable with me spoiling him with love, affection, and doing whatever he wanted to do. Now, I am trying to change things by being the old me. For example, when he starts talking crazy to me, go and do my own thing until he is ready to act right and apologize.
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