Chicken Day

I usually go to Popeye's on Tuesday to enjoy athe chicken special with my funiest friend.  Today, the chicken was to spicy for him and made him grunt like a woman that is homeless that I know of.  We then left the chicken place to go to Arby's to get my free drink, using my wrist band.  After filling my Mountain Dew bottle with Mountain Dew, when crossed the street to catch the bus.  I was on the phone with another friend that was having man problems. After a few minutes we realized that there was a crazy person on the bus right behind us.  We mentioned that we were going to a mall in another city when he promptly corrected my pronounciation of the city name.  We then realized he was crazy.  We got off the bus to wait for the next bus to trasfer to.  The crazy person got off the bus as well.  He walked around harrassing people and jumping in front of cars.  We were thinking we should change our mind about going to that mall since it was the same direction the crazy man was going.  Our second bus showed up and he preceeded us into the bus but he stopped to talk to the bus driver and we sat down.  He sat at the front of the bus begging people to trade transfers with him since he had the 4:20 transfer.  He then, of course, sat behind us again.  He started talking about putting weed in the microwave, using shaved metal chips in the microwave, and stating the he was sober.  After him jumping into our conversation again we decided it was in our best interest to get off the bus.  From there we just rode around from bus, lightrail, to bus again until we ended up here at the library where we can have some peace.
