I have finally got a place to live. I have been worrying about lots of people on the streets as well as myself. I feel left out when I don't go to the library. I normally go to the library see all the homeless people that I used to hang around with. I sometimes talk to them. I was there last week to actually help one friend with a resume. She needed a resume and I let her use my computer. While doing that I ran into a friend that is homeless that I describe as the sensitive talker. The sensitive talker what upset about another homeless person that is usually rude and talks trash to him. I told sensitive talker to not let it get to him, but he said it did because this time the guy snapped at him then threatened him. I told sensitive talker that sometimes people are going through things that we don't know or understand and they take it out on us for no apparent reason. Sensitive talker just went on and on about it, then finally got upset about his best friend talking to the guy about it and not sharing the information. He went on about his best friend and of course started crying. Finally, he stopped then left to go to his computer upstairs. I then check on my friend with the resume and she was still doing it. I then went looking for another friend but found the odd couple, that is what I will classify them as for the purpose of this blog. The women in the odd couple has a place, but the man doesn't. The women had a mother that has some kind of condition that may be cause blackouts and loss of memory. Her mother is older, maybe seventy. I advised her to get help or let your mother live with you and your man. Her mother can't stand her man and doesn't want to live in a facility that would help her. I talked for about 45 minutes. Then finally, I gave them information from online to help them and told them to ask if they needed more to let me know. I went back to my computer and the girl with resume was done and waiting for me to return. Then another friend came over and we usually have fun, I am going to classify him as Sassy. So Sassy and I was talking when sensitive talker came over again to talk some more about all the stress and things on his mind. He was supposed to be on his way out, his best friend was waiting and he just felt he could just wait until he was finish talking. Sassy, aware of what was about to happen, felt the sudden to go to an appointment. I wanted to see my friend the country genius, but he doesn't stay around all the time. I can only see him occasionally. I hope things are well with him. I miss talking to people that I don't have to explain things too or need detail for. I feel that there are too many people I spend time with that are not intelligent, but that can not be true. I think I need to just look for friends that want more and have morals with goals.
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