Today on my way back from the plasma, when I saw this guy, Santiago, and he was asking home i'm doing. Then he started complimenting me saying that I was holla-able, and may he she holla. Then after a couple of stops another young man got on the train, I was starting to dose off when he starting talking. I thought he was talking just to be friendly, but he received a call, then he continued his conversation. I think he wanted to sound important. He talked until I got off the train. During my exercise walk, some guy in a truck drove by honking at me. I know he didn't know what I looked like from behind. Finally, I caught the bus to the store to buy diner food. On my way back some guy in a green car honked then pulled into Autozone, I shook my head no as he passed by but he still pulled into the parking lot. As I crossed the driveway, he asked if I wanted a ride. This time I had a witness, a lady pulling her shopping cart looked surprised and concerned. I just kept walking shaking my head. My significant other sends me ugly texts about growing up, being a woman, and wanting my attention. I haven't responded because. I deserve better, and if I want respect I have to demand it.
Originally Published on 4/30/12
Originally Published on 4/30/12
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