Account Creation
I have had a yahoo account since the 1980's, I think, but I am unable to find out when the account creation happened. I have tried to contact Yahoo but there is no direct connection to someone who works for them. I have tried the help function but it leads me to the community help. I tried the community help and there is someone who has done this before but knows a way around it by going to the developers to get your answer.
Yahoo has been around a long time and may want to stay around longer. I stopped using them because they didn't have as many features as Gmail. Now, they are forcing me to change my password on my account that I have never had hacked because they want to keep up with the 'Jones'. It is too late for that!
What they can do is, provide an exceptional customer service for long standing account holders whether paid or not. I had taken advantage of their paid services in that past which has made me hold on to my current account with them. I am now considering to delete my account. If I can't get something simple, like when did I start my account, from them, I should go with more professional companies like "AOL". They are old, they have my old account and I am sure I won't have to cut off my arm just to get my start date.
Maybe this is a rant or complaint but I know that sometimes when you need something that goes back a-ways that it would be good to use something as a reference. If anyone agrees with this post please reply back or just comment.
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