Creative Recycling

Recycling Everyday Items

I started getting emails that showed me how to recycle toilet paper rolls, then something in my head said recycle everything you can that you throw away. I first thought of how I have old clothes that has holes or doesn't fit. I figured I can search the web to find a way to recycle them. Everyone always has cardboard around the house, we could use it for art or find another creative way to keep it. I have also seen old coffee canisters reused as storage. So my way of giving back to the planet is to recycle/ reuse mostly because of the lack of funds and the environment.

Things In The Recycle Bin

We are told by local government and the news to recycle plastics, aluminum, cardboard, and paper to say the least. I think there are several ways to do this. We can reuse a lot of cardboard as art and storage. Old boxes card be decorated to be storage bins. My favorite is a post I saw from All Things Paper blog.

I have also seen some cool plastic bottle reuses. Some them have been used as a planter. I have seen some turned into a carport cover. My favorite is by Zita Schmitt called Durable Purse. There are more but I wanted to show this one.

I want to start recycling my hot chocolate cans. They are made from carboard and some aliminum with a plastic lid. It was hard to find something to do with them but I want to try this one out. I found this on Pinterest.

My favorite recycling project is reusing old clothing. I have only did a few but I want to show how easy it is to not throw away raggedy clothes and use them for something else.  We are now in the BYOB (bring your own bag) age. Some places charge for a bag when shopping. It's best to bring yours. This T-shirt Produce Bag is awesome.

Please leave comments and questions below. I was happy to share some of my findings. Have a great recycling day!
